Magazine Update
Magazine Submission Deadline is Saturday, February 5th
I'm writing this as I procrastinate putting on warm clothes to go out and plow the snow.
Ugh! ❄⛄❄
Of the skills I possess, procrastination is the one I am perhaps most efficient at. If I'm not in the mood to do something, there isn't a twenty-minute YouTube video I won't watch.
How about you?
Is that why you haven't submitted entries for this year's One Hundred Photographers I'd Like to Follow contest? Are you busy watching puppy videos?
The deadline is Saturday, February 5th - just 11 days away! You really don't want to miss this one, so mark your calendars if you haven't already.
And here are a couple fun facts to motivate you...
As of right now, 44 photographers have submitted their work.
That's right, if the contest ended today everyone who has already submitted would be a top 100 photographer... twice over. But if you've already entered, you should know that most people are giant procrastinators, so the 44 won't hold...
Or will it? 😜
And fun fact number two...
I've been pulling a name out of a hat every Saturday morning to give a way a free print copy of the magazine.
Whose names are in the hat? Everyone who has already submitted their entries!
So if you'd like to be in the fifth and final drawing this Saturday, you'll need to get your entries in by this Friday.
So that's it for the update... Go here to enter. The deadline is midnight on Saturday, February 5th.
Be there, or be square! 🔲🔲🔲
Adobe Products
Change This ONE Lightroom Setting to Make it RUN FASTER!
Does Lightroom run slow for you?
I've always struggled with that. Even though I run a pretty fast machine, I've always found Lightroom to be on the pokey side.
Then I ran across this very brief video and problem solved [knocking on wood]...
Instagram and Social Media
Instagram is testing a reverse chronological feed option
You read that right!
According to this article, Instagram is testing the idea of letting their users choose between three different feeds!
In a video from Instagram Chief Adam Mosseri, he describes the three feeds he sees being available to us once testing is complete...
- Home - The algorithm based feed we experience today, where Instagram decides what you'd be most interested in seeing.
- Favorites - A subset of the Home feed featuring a list of accounts you don't want to miss seeing.
- Following - A chronological feed of all the accounts you follow. So basically the way Instagram was when it first became popular and posts scrolled through as they were made in real time.
Going back to the chronological feed does sound interesting, especially for those of us who feel our posts aren't being seen.
But I do wonder...
I wonder how many people will actually opt to use the new Following feed once it's available.
I also wonder if most teens will opt for the Favorites feed which will keep their stream cleaner and full of their friends and the celebrities they follow.
I also wonder if our posts will get pushed down and out of site quickly in the chronological feed anyway with all the additional users who weren't there back in the glory days of Instagram.
And finally, I wonder why I'm such a pessimist... 😢
Anyway, if all goes well, they're hoping to launch this in the first half of the year.
More to come.
Your Website
No one cares that you consider chocolate a food group
Seriously! If the About page on your website mentions your love for coffee, ice cream, chocolate or puppy dogs, you're not doing it right.
No one cares!
People are visiting your website to see what you can do for THEM! They DON'T CARE if you married the love of your life and drink six gallons of coffee before breakfast.
If you're hanging your head in shame right now, check out this in depth article about writing About pages and get to work writing an amazing bio!
And Finally
That's it for this week!
I'm going to leave you with a YouTube video of a band I've been into lately.
Got 16 minutes to procrastinate? Watch this and then go get your submissions in for the Photographers I'd Like to Follow Contest!
Seriously, go get them in... 😉