
Hope everyone had a Merry Christmas! And even if you don't celebrate Christmas, I hope you were able to enjoy some time off with your families and catching up on movies you may have missed.

Our annual SeniorInspire 100 Photographers I'd Like to Follow contest is officially open and submissions are starting to trickle in.

The deadline to get your submissions in is January 16th, but that'll be here before you know it. You don't want to be the person writing that email of shame on January 17th asking if it's too late to get your entries in. It will be! πŸ˜‰

So don't dawdle. Put your entries together and get them submitted. The process could not be easier.

From the submissions I've seen so far, this year's contest is going to be a good one!


Magazine Update

Marketing and Branding

Instagram and Social Media

Social media influencers charge what for what?

In this crazy world we live in, being a social media influencer can be a career! πŸ’²πŸ’²πŸ’²

I ran across this rate card for a social media influencer I don't know, and immediately starting doing the math.

This young lady can make a pretty amazing living doing just 5 TikTok posts a month. I mean, $300,000/year for learning a few dances? Sign me up!

But once I got past the math, I started looking at what she charges for the different types of posts she offers. And the thing that jumped out immediately is how much value she places on an Insta Feed post as compared to a story.

$3,000 for the feed post ($6k if it's a multi-image carousel post), as opposed to a measly $600 for a story.

Wow! That really sheds some light on one of the biggest gripes I see about seniors and Instagram.

They repost our images to their stories at the drop of a hat, but getting that coveted spot in their feed is becoming more rare.

So while it might seem weird that your senior will post an out of focus snap of her and her friends sticking their tongues out at a dimly lit party, but not one of yours that she said she loved, the value she places on her feed posts is just a lot higher than how she sees her stories.

Could it be seniors understand the marketing value of that feed post and just don't want to give it up so easily?

I'm starting to think the answer to that is, yes!

So when you're complaining about seniors not reposting your photos, consider how much value they put in that real estate and come up with ways to incent them to give it up.

What those incentives are, I still haven't figured out. πŸ˜‰

Free puppies? 🐢🐢🐢


And Finally

Hope you all have a Happy New Year!

I don't know about you, but I'm glad to be leaving 2021 (and its evil step-Mom, 2020) behind. Here's to an incredible 2022!!
