
Welcome to our next issue!

This past week I made it through five straight days of sessions in 90 degree heat and what seemed like 1000% humidity. It was hotter than hell out there!

And you know what I discovered?

Sitting in front of a screen all winter and most of the spring is not a good way to get in shape for days and days of two hour sessions in the heat!

That, and I'm getting older! And being able to do what we do in this business as we get older requires us to maintain some degree of physical fitness.

To those of you who are young and toned, I know you have no idea what I'm talking about. But store this away for later in life, because someday you'll say 'that SeniorInspire guy was right!'

But for the rest of us, if I can inspire you to do anything this week, go for a long walk, jump on a bike, swim some laps, or do whatever it is you like to do to get yourself in shape for this business!

But don't leave your screen just yet... We've got a great issue for you! 😃


Magazine Update

Magazine Update

Mark your calendars for next Tuesday, June 22nd!

That's when we're going to begin taking submissions for the summer issue of SeniorInspire the magazine!

We are so close!

Be watching for more details in next week's newsletter and in the SeniorInspire Facebook group.

And if you're not already a member of our Facebook community, wth? Get on that!


Marketing and Branding

Adobe Products

Meet the Photographer

And Finally

That's all folks! Have a great week!
