Hey there!
Welcome to the first issue of SeniorInspire the newsletter! I plan to use this space to share SeniorInspire happenings as well as other photography related stories I hope you will find helpful and occasionally even funny.
If you have any feature ideas for future issues or if you have a workshop or photography related product you'd like to promote, feel free to reply to this email or DM me on either Facebook or Instagram.
Marketing and Branding
Michelle Ivy in the studio with the camera
If you're tired of political campaigns (and frankly, who isn't?), go check out the incredible Clue based marketing campaign Michelle Ivy recently ran for her seniors on Instagram!
When you get to her page, click on her Clue highlights for all the details. This is some next level senior marketing!
The game is Clue and the object is to discover the murderer, the weapon, the room where the murder took place and the motive. Michelle has sprinkled clues through her Insta feed complete with killer photos (see what I did there?) of each of the potential suspects.
The game ended on Halloween with the winner getting a free session with Michelle and Clue bragging rights for life! So, so good!
Adobe Products
Adobe Photoshop 2021 - New Features in 5 Minutes!
I remember when Photoshop switched over to subscription only, a pessimistic photographer I know who still wears patches on his sleeves predicted this would be the end of development for Photoshop.
Not even remotely close, gnarly dude!
And even with all the amazing things they've added to Photoshop CS over the last several years, I don't know that my jaw has ever hit the floor the way it did watching this 5 minute preview of Photoshop 2021.
I mean, automatic sky replacements? Face reconstruction? Eyeballs pointing every which way! You've got to be freaking kidding me!
I am so ready to start playing with this one, but unfortunately I'm still winding down my 2020 busy season and don't want to run into any upgrade issues while I still have a few deadlines to deal with (you know what I'm talking about).
I'm also guessing some of these enhancements will require maximum computer power for the best experience and it might be time to order that new computer and get the write-off before year end!
So while I'm chomping at the bit here, let me know if you've been brave enough to dive in. It looks amazing!
Business and software
Social Media Planning for Life!
Is there anything worse than having to post to the gram from your phone?
Spoiled milk? Ok, you got me.
But seriously, if you're like me there's not much worse than trying to hack out a two sentence post with your thumbs.
In order to remain sane I've been using services like Later or Hootsuite for years to schedule out my social media posts from my computer in advance. But those services come at a price, sometimes hundreds of dollars a year!
No thank you!
That's why I recently switched to Studioriffic and my wallet is glad I did!
For a onetime fee of just $49 you can schedule your Instagram posts right from your desktop or laptop computer! That's right, just $49 and you're set for life!
And Instagram is just the tip of the iceberg!
With Studioriffic you can schedule posts to your Facebook business page too, as well as Twitter and Tumblr (anyone?). You can also schedule Instagram stories, make carousal posts, post to IG TV and even schedule out posts to any Facebook groups you admin.
And did I mention there's no smartphone app involved? That's right, you can truly just schedule your post and forget about it until the Likes start rolling in.
Neato, right? Not sure how long the $49 deal is going to be going on - it's normally $15 a month - but I'd highly recommend you give this one a look!
Facebook Group
Is that who I think it is?
One of the most popular threads in the SeniorInspire Facebook group last week was our celebrity lookalike image call. Among others we had an Angelina Jolie, Charlize Theron, Beyonce, McDreamy and at least half a dozen Taylor Swifts!
It's not too late to add your own lookalike to the thread. And if you're not already a member of our group, what are you waiting for? Go check it out!
And Finally
Year End Contest
A few of you have asked about our annual Photographers to Follow contest and I'm happy to say... it's right around the corner!
This year we're going to be expanding the contest from 75 to 100 senior photographers to follow. Even more exciting, this year we're going to put out a magazine featuring all of the winning photographers.
Watch for details later this month!